Sunday, 29 September 2013

Foot operation -week 10

I would have liked to have shown you some lovely photos of my new foot by now but sadly not.
Way back in July, only 10 days after my operation, when I returned to the nurse to have my foot examined again, she decided to take off some of the steri strips that was effectively holding my wound together. Despite the letter from the hospital clearly stating that these should be left in place until they fell off and also my protestations, she felt there were 'far too many'.
Unfortunately this meant that any weight I put on my foot kept the wound in that area open. Although it felt ok, it had started to go red so I returned to the nurse and ended up having two courses of two different types of anti biotics as there seemed to be an infection in that area.
I'm pleased to report that the operation on my toe seems to have been a success in that I can move it. However after I had the anti biotics I had the check up with the consultant at the hospital.
Sadly it wasn't the consultant who did the op but one of his underlings and she said I ought to return a week later to see the consultant himself as the wound didn't seem to be healing properly.
I had kept the wound undressed and a scab had formed.

I didn't see the consultant who had done my operation but another surgeon who decided to cut off the scab as it was still weeping a bit and was possibly still infected underneath. I then had to keep it dressed for 2 weeks, changing the dressing after one week,
When I returned on Friday last, no scab had formed and so he decided to take out the white, creamy flesh which had taken its place.

I was shocked at how deep the hole was, nearly a centimetre, and I have now been told that I will have to keep it dressed for a further 2 weeks, and if it hasn't healed then I shall have to go into hospital to have the wound cleaned out and sewn up again!
To say I am worried, disappointed and annoyed doesn't cover it!
It's been 10 weeks now and I had really hoped to have been back fighting fit. I have been driving for a couple of weeks now although only locally really so I can reach my clients.
As a self employed person I feel the pressure to keep working as I can't claim any sickness leave or pay.
I am still sitting down and resting my foot as much as I can but with a house to keep clean, dog to walk, meals to cook and a garden to harvest and tidy its not easy!

On the plus side hubby will be home in a few days again and I have taken the big step of starting a website and Facebook page showcasing some of the items I have made myself, mostly knitted items.
I have received my first commission and have booked my first Christmas fair to sell some of my things! I have to make the most of having to sit down somehow so knitting is my salvation.
If you are on Facebook check out my page called ' Handmade by Sharla'