We like a challenge!
It's the potential you see. That's what they say on these property programmes, isn't it? We saw it and loved it and the area straight away.
At present there is no water, electricity or septic tank.
So we are deep in thought about the best heating system to use.
This last week we met our builder, electrician and plumber. All lovely guys who also seem to look on this job as a challenge too. Nothing is too hard for them, it would seem which is a good sign.
When you buy a half built house, who knows what went before!
We spent nearly 4 hours walking from room to room with Robbie the spark, marking the location of every switch and socket. Luckily we have already thought through how we would like our finished house to look so we already had in mind where most of them would go. Its deciding ahead about which direction a door will open which is harder to think about at this stage.
Then we met Pete the Plumber who has the rather hard job of locating all the plumbing pipes which have been laid under the floor and not marked! Again though, it seems nothing seems too much of a challenge about this, unlike hubby who is worrying now about what will be found.
Of course we have also had to think about the kitchen layout so we visited several kitchen showrooms and have had two lots of plans drawn up, both look very nice and workable but who to choose?
Bathrooms, there will be 4 in total, so we have to choose a style which will fit in each one but which taps to choose? Who knew there were so many taps?
We are hoping work will commence in the next couple of weeks so will be able to post some progress photos as and when we see any progress!