Saturday, 12 November 2016

Its a proper last!

It has been a long coming but finally we have got not just a house but a home!

Since the summer hubby has been over in Ireland quite a lot, chasing up workmen to finish their jobs before we could start on our bit...the decorating.

At the end of August I got some leave from work and spent 10 days out there. It was great feeling I could finally take part, have a go and make a difference.
I had spent months deciding what colours I liked and once hubby had agreed we had chosen paints and set to.  There were a few changes though because when I arrived hubby had already painted our room and unfortunately I didn't really like the colour of one wall. I wanted a statement colour and the colour i had chosen wasn't 'statement' enough. There was a bit of a discussion and finally I was able to go and buy a better colour and when it was applied it was agreed that yes it probably did look better than before.

Goodness yes its bright but now all the furniture is in the room it does look better.

We also managed to finish another bedroom in time for a short visit from my parents who came over to see the house and to lend a hand. OK so there are no curtains yet but to be honest the only thing likely to be looking through that window is a cow in the field.

My mum helped me giving three rooms their first coat of paint and my dad did a brilliant job clearing out the garage which had become a dumping ground for packaging. At last we could see the back of the garage.

Once Mum and Dad had left we had a few days and we set about starting painting outside. The weather was good and so it was a great opportunity to get at least one coat of paint on before winter comes. It takes a lot of paint.


Hubby got a good job!

We have also got the heating working, a fitted a working kitchen and bathrooms so we can live in it quite easily now whilst we finish off the painting.
This week has seen the last of the flooring fitted so finally no more dust!

Thought you would like to see some before and after photos:

The kitchen - before
The kitchen - now

The sunroom - before

The sun room - now

Dining area - before

Dining area - now

Upstairs roof space - before

Upstairs - two rooms and a shower room - now

Sunroom to dining room - before
Sunroom to dining room - now