Sunday 14 December 2014

I might use that to one again.

I don't often write about my patients. After  all, I visit them, trim and file their toenails, maybe get rid of some hard skin or even a painful corn. I very rarely get a verruca to treat although this year I have managed to get rid of some for someone who had suffered with terrible verrucas and warts on her hand. I did a bit of research and got the right ointment to use and within 6-8 weeks they had completely disappeared.  Not only did my patient feel on top of the world but so did I. I've seen her a few times around town and she always comes up and waves her hands at me delightedly. It's nice to have a success every now  and again. That's not to say that every visit I do is a success. For the patient in question I arrive and sort out their feet and when I leave I hope that they feel better than when I arrived. It's a nice feeling, I enjoy seeing people, and I really enjoy the feeling of being able to help someone, make them feel better, because there is nothing worse than painful feet!
I often find it funny that most people I visit think that they have the worst feet in the world or at least the worst feet I've ever seen. Obviously I assess their feet and try to explain what I will do for them. Some of my regular patients are a little easier because their treatment, on the whole, stays the same each time. Luckily their feet are never as bad as the very first time I see them, because we keep on top of it with regular visits.
Some  patients like to make sure I'm doing a proper job, by pointing out things on their feet and asking me to file this nail a bit shorter or trim a bit more off this one here. I don't mind at all, after all they are their feet! 
One lady I visit regularly made me inwardly laugh the other day because she kept saying, 'you will cut that nail shorter won't you?'. If she said it once she said it ten times and each time I replied that yes I would, no problem. It was her reply that made me chuckle though. 
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to tell you your job, I'm just thinking aloud".

I might use that myself!

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