Monday 25 June 2012

Car Boots

Yesterday I took part in a strange phenomenon which seems to have taken over people's weekends, something which I've done before but not, it would seem as seriously as some people.
A car boot sale!
Do these sales happen in other countries?
Are they called car boot sales or something else?
It's a strange event which involves getting up and to the venue at some unearthly early hour. Once there tables of varying stability are laid out and boxes are emptied haphazardly onto them for members of the public to come and rummage through. The junk that some people are selling, and DO sell is quite remarkable. What's that saying? One mans junk is another mans treasure?
In years gone by I have been very occasionally to sell my junk at such sales. Usually on some muddy field somewhere. I remember going once with my brother and my mum. We had, like most people, a dodgy pasting table with its customary uneven surface which only dips in the middle as you load more and more stuff on to it.
I remember how we looked in horror when said table, laden with our prized possessions, toppled forward and into the mud!
In fact my brother was always a very good salesman at car boot sales. We all took our own things to sell and while my mum and I would stay at our stall, my brother would wander off and would often come back with a box. "not more stuff" my mum would say and he would end up selling the contents of the box for a lot more than he paid for the whole box.
Yesterday was a showery day which didn't really help although there were plenty of people there. Luckily we weren't in a muddy field but on a car park and my table is much more sturdy.
I was there to sell some books on behalf of a local scrapstore and was pleased that considering the weather I did ok. I'll definitely do it again but hopefully on a day when the weather is better.
I may even take some of my unwanted possessions, my junk, to see if it can become someone else's treasure.


  1. Ha! Ha! I remember it well. I had to wash everything that did not break when we got home as everything was covered in what appeared to be a chocolate icing but was in fact mud. It put us off car boot selling for a while but then we had better experiences, like the time we sold an item for your brother. He was off searching for bargains and we proudly gave him the 50p when he returned. To our horror he ran after the buyer in an effort to get the amount he thought the item was worth.

    1. Oh yes, we'll he should have priced everything, like we used to!!

  2. I think they are called yard sales in the US.

    Care to take some of my junk along?


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