Wednesday 24 July 2013

Foot operation - week 2

So one week after having my operation I have to visit the practice nurse at the doctors surgery. It's so they can have a look at it and redress it. I have been looking forward to seeing what my foot looks like and as the weather has been so hot it'll be nice to get a bit of fresh air to it too.

The nurse started by taking off the original dressing.

I was quite nervous about this because I remember when I had broken my finger a few years ago and had to visit the nurse for redressing. I always ended up in tears, it was so painful.
Luckily the dressing had not stuck so they came off easily.

The bruising round the ankle is from where the consultant put in one of the local anaesthetic injections! The yellow is the iodine!

Traces of the black pen used to remind the consultant which foot he was supposed to be operating on!
I wasn't surprised to see how bruised and swollen my toes were though. I was surprised at how long the cut in my toe was.

My toe had obviously been bleeding judging by the amount of dried blood which had gathered around my big toe. The nurse seemed quite pleased with it apart from a small area near the very top steri strip which looks a bit red and raw. So she has redressed the foot but I have had to make another appointment to go back on Friday to make sure it has not become infected.
Until then I have to rest it as much as possible which is easier said than done!


  1. Right, so you’re ready to start dancing?
    What has Maisie to say to all this inactivity?

    1. Luckily Hubby is here so he is on dog walking duty:)


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