Saturday 3 August 2013

Foot Operation - week 3

Being able to sit still just isn't something I can easily do. I'm so used to doing this, doing that, just running upstairs for something, driving there. The last few weeks have been a real challenge.
I returned to the nurse a couple more times to have my foot checked and happily everything seems to be looking good.
On Wednesday, two weeks after my op, I went along for the last time. This was a day I'd been really looking forward to because I could finally wash my foot! The instructions I'd been given were to only soak it for less than 5 minutes.
Until now I have been using something called 'Limbo'. One of my patients kindly lent it to me to use and it has been an absolute godsend. Basically it means I've been able to have a shower without getting my foot wet or having to wrap a plastic bag around it.

Anyway I was very excited that once I got home I could take off the dressing and I washed it in a bowl of warm salty water. Every morning since I have sat outside and done this, just dipping my foot in, keeping the actual cut out of the water but using pieces of cotton wool, dipped in the water, to gently clean some areas of my foot. I have then, sat with my feet up in the warm for at least an hour before applying a new, smaller dressing.

The foot is still quite swollen and a bit bruised but overall it's looking good. I have also started to not use the crutches so much around the house. It's mainly because its easier if I have to carry something.
My hubby has been an absolute star, doing all the cooking, cleaning etc which to be fair he does a lot of usually anyway but he has also driven me around places and had to listen to me saying, 'could you just.......?' more than once a day!
However after 2 weeks he has to return to sea so the last 4 days I have been looking after myself. Another reason why I need to be able to carry things.
I'm using the stairs ok now too. Shuffling up and down on my bottom was effective but not very elegant. I am careful though that I don't stand up or walk for too long as I am still not putting a lot of weight onto my big toe so a lot of weight transfers onto the outside of my foot and that can ache at times.
If I have been stood up or walking for too long my toe and side of my foot starts to hurt and I think, 'right, time to sit down and put my feet up'.
Hubby also made sure I wasn't too bored by bringing down a nice big basket of ironing.

I won't be able to drive for at least another couple of weeks or so I should imagine, which is annoying and frustrating but people have been very kind offering lifts to me, back and forth to the doctor mainly.
My own foot patients have all had their feet done before my op and a few that are due to be done in the next three weeks have agreed to come to my house and have their feet done instead of me visiting them at home. It will only be about 5 per week but it will be good to be busy.
I have also saved lots of mundane jobs, such as my tax form, to do whilst I'm housebound. So I'm sure I won't get too bored.

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