Friday 16 March 2012

Opening the curtains and leaving the room a room with dark curtains,
                 the handle won't work so you are trapped inside
Sometimes there is a small chink in the curtains where a little light peeks through

A world is waiting out there
Waiting for you to come back and rejoin it but somehow the dark, quiet, room is calling you back.

I want to fling open that door and dance in the sunshine but all the time the room, that dark room,  is somehow comforting me with memories of good times.

My body yearns to be active, to get up and get on
But somehow it just can't
Frustration is kicking in as Lethargy calls me
Back into the dark room

How long will I be here in this room?
Tears come and go and everytime I wipe my eyes the curtains open a little wider

This post was written as part of Poetry Jam


  1. So glad to see you in Poetry Jam. I agree that grief is like a room with dark curtains and also know that it is important to keep opening those curtains up. I also have the philosophy that the only way OUT of grief is to go THROUGH it; and I think writing about it helps!

  2. A time to laugh, a time to weep ...

  3. Sad and touching, but with a glimpse of hope. Tears do help to wash the pain and help it become manageable. The curtains will open more and more. I love the symbolism here, very well done.

  4. Rooms with dark curtains --excellent description and image for grief. Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. I've been in this dark room before (tomorrow is the anniversary of my mother's death). Eventually, you do go out, but sometimes I still find myself there - almost like I teleported or something!


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