Friday 9 March 2012

A waste of a day or nice to relax?

Its been a while since I posted on here, mainly because hubby has been home from sea and although he hasn't prevented me from going on the computer, there are always other things to do instead.
Blogging is quite a solitary thing to do, you can't do it sat side by side with someone whilst having a chat or watching TV. I find I need a bit of peace and quiet to gather my thoughts, perhaps make notes and collect photos.
Whilst hubby is home I try to schedule my work to a minimum so we can spend time together doing other things. We don't however sit round doing nothing, even sitting watching TV doesn't happen too often.
We go out with the dog, either walking or on the bikes. We quite like geocaching, treasure hunting with a GPS, and we do this if we go out to a place or on a walk that we haven't been to before. We have entertained family too this leave.
The last few days we have spent time out in the garden, well, hubby more than me really. I did a few hours digging and then had to stop so I could go knit and nattering. Last night I went out to a meeting leaving hubby in the garden again, it was almost dark and he was out pressure washing the patio.
My step daughter and granddaughter have been over to visit this week too and for anyone with a small baby, you will know what time wasters they can be. In a lovely way though.
So today we had big plans - finish off in the garden.
This morning however we both had appointments to keep and so began a different type of day.

I have recently been recommended, by one of my patients, a lovely woman who does aromatherapy massages. I have been going to her once a fortnight for the last six weeks to see if she can help ease pain in my neck, shoulders and back. She has certainly done the trick and although my back and neck still crack at times they don't feel so knotted up. I enjoy spending the hour and a half, almost asleep, being pummelled and massaged and come out feeling like a different person.
Hubby mentioned he would also like a massage session as he suffers with a painful shoulder and back too so last time he came too. He went in first whilst I walked around the town, a place I haven't often visited. It was nice to explore somewhere new. When I went in afterwards I thought my therapist looked a bit tired and when I mentioned it, she revealed that my hubby had spent the entire time talking to her whilst she was massaging him. I couldn't believe it and felt quite embarrassed as when he is in full flow it can often feel like you are being interrogated and not actually in a conversation. Needless to say I had a few words with him and so today he was under strict instructions to keep his chatter to a minimum!
So off he went inside whilst I took pooch for a walk and then came back and sat reading in the car.
When it was my turn I gave him the car keys and went up to have my massage. Luckily it would seem that hubby had sort of kept to his word and not spoken for at least half an hour!! Oh well.
I completely relaxed today, to the point that when I was lying on my front I was fast asleep, only waking myself with my own snoring!! I felt so tired when I 'came round' and had a big glass of water, which did help wake me up a bit.
For any of you in the know it is always recommended to drink plenty of water after a massage to help get rid of toxins in your body, so imagine my surprise when hubby met me by the car and announced he had just come from the pub and we were going back for lunch!
This particular pub has its own brewery attached and this is the third time we have visited this establishment this 3 weeks. Each time hubby has enjoyed a pint of the local brew and today was no different. He had already had 2 pints of home brew and when we went back he ordered a third whilst I ordered a soda water and lime. We also ordered food which was a good job really because it was then that hubby found out that the home brew was 5%. No wonder I had had to virtually pour him into the car last time!
Anyway once lunch was over, I managed to stay awake long enough to drive us the 20 minute journey home. By which time it was nearly 3.30pm and so we sat down for a coffee, and within minutes I could hear a familiar sound, hubby snoring on the sofa.
I felt completely zonked out too so sat watching a few things on TV. An hour went past and I thought, this wasn't really what we had planned for today, but does it matter?

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